Our next online meeting is:How do we invigorate and democratise our unions Troublemakers At Work meeting and AGM

“How Do We Invigorate And Democratise Our Unions? Part of the Troublemakers’ AGM”

Troublemakers At Work will be having our first AGM. This will begin with a public session on How Do We Invigorate And Democratise Our Unions? 

This is a virtual event on Zoom.

Speakers include:

  • Andrea Egan, left candidate for UNISON General Secretary
  • Luke Dukinfield, rep at GIPSIL where Unite recently won a union recognition campaign, and a housing and benefit caseworker
  • Speaker from Labor Notes in the USA, a huge network of rank-and-file members, local union leaders, and labor activists “who want to put the movement back in the labor movement”

Please register for this event using the form on this page.

More information about the meeting and how to join and volunteer is available here.

The second Troublemakers At Work Conference took place on 5 October 2024 in Manchester city centre.Troublemakers general logo we're bringing workers together

The conference brought together hundreds of workers to share experiences and learn from each other: from organising from scratch or reviving a moribund union to resisting a rotten deal or winning a strike.

If you are organising at work or struggling to overcome the barriers to doing so, this conference was for you.

Our conferences are participatory. Our point of view is of the union rank and file, meaning grassroots workers rather than those employed by unions. The unions belong to the workers – we don’t need people telling us what to think or do.

If you’d like to join or support us, you can:

you can also sign up for updates.

Our current leaflet is here. If you want printed copies you can request them here.

Troublemakers At Work

Troublemakers At Work is a network of rank-and-file trade unionists in Britain, launched after a conference in Manchester in July 2023. We are organised by a democratic committee, without affiliation to political parties or particular unions. We support each other in organising to win change in our workplaces and unions.