Our Organisation

Troublemakers At Work formed as an ongoing organisation after our 2023 conference. We organise democratically and without affiliation to any political organisation or particular union.

Our aims are to:

  1. Encourage unionisation;
  2. Build workers’ collective power and collective action;
  3. Promote workers’ democratic control of their unions, disputes and negotiations;
  4. Help workers’ overcome obstacles within their unions;
  5. Encourage workers to challenge oppression and inequality, including within our movement, to build a diverse, inclusive and responsive workers’ movement;
  6. Oppose partnership with employers and government;
  7. Support the development of militant and rank-and-file groups in particular industries or unions;
  8. Create spaces for discussion and collaboration, and resources to support our aims; 
  9. Collaborate with other organisations and individuals who share our broad approach;
  10. Promote solidarity with struggles in workplaces and beyond, over the full breadth of issues facing working-class people; and
  11. Organise in Britain, while building solidarity, maintaining and developing relationships internationally.

At the moment, our organisation is mostly on a volunteer basis as we transition to a more formal structure. Our volunteers form the Troublemakers Team which has functional teams for Comms and Finance as well as for Logistics and the Programme for the 2024 conference and elected Kate Edwards (NHS Workers Say NO!) and Ian Allinson (Workers Can Win) as coordinators. The  Troublemakers Team current structure is here. You can read the Troublemakers At Work constitution too. To handle our money properly, the coordinators set up the not-for-profit company Troublemakers At Work Ltd (company number 15509603).

Our General Meetings can update our structure.

Joining or Affiliation

We encourage individuals who agree with our aims to become members of Troublemakers At Work (join here) and organisations to affiliate (model motion here). 

We recognise that circumstances vary, and ask supporters to contribute as much as they can afford.

Suggested contribution rates are:


  • Minimum: £1 a month
  • Standard: £3 a month
  • Solidarity: £5 a month

Join here.

Organisational affiliation:

  • Minimum: £25 per year (we recognise some bodies have no money, and suggest you take a collection when you vote to affiliate)
  • Small: £50 a year
  • Medium (e.g. a union branch with substantial funds): £100 a year
  • Large: £250 a year

All affiliates are entitled to two delegates. We encourage affiliates to elect a diverse delegation.

Organisations can adapt this model motion for proposing affiliation etc. to their organisation.