The Troublemakers Team

The Troublemakers Team are the people playing an active part in organising Troublemakers At Work at any time. It is expected to change over time with individuals’ capacity and involvement.

Volunteer to join the Team here.

  1. The Team is responsible for the day to day operation of Troublemakers At Work and will organise itself democratically.
  2. The Team will organise itself flexibly to reflect the work required and people involved. Its organisation structure and roles will be agreed by the Team as a whole from time to time.
  3. The whole Team will be responsible for major decisions, between General Meetings of members and delegates.
  4. The Team will establish functional teams for particular tasks, such as finance and communications. For particular projects, such as a public conference, additional functional teams such as programme and logistics may be agreed. Each functional team should agree a ‘lead’ or ‘leads’  to ensure decisions are taken, actions progressed etc.
  5. The Team will nominate two or more coordinators, subject to election by the AGM. The coordinators will convene meetings of the Team as a whole and assist the operation and cooperation of the different functional teams.
  6. If a member or delegate doesn’t contribute to the Team’s work for two months or more without explanation, the coordinators should contact them to encourage them to get involved. If they do not get involved for a further month, the Team may decide to remove them from the Team until they are able to participate again.

The Troublemakers Team currently consists of four functional teams.

Programme team (for conferences):

  • Inviting ideas for sessions and speakers
  • Choosing sessions to run
  • Choosing session formats
  • Considering hybrid aspects
  • Identifying speakers, chairs, facilitators
  • Briefing/supporting everyone
  • Collating slides in advance
  • Arranging after-party

Note that the conference programme will be approved by the whole Troublemakers Team.

Communications team:

  • Action Network inbound/outbound
  • Website
  • Social media
  • Email
  • Printed leaflets, merchandise etc
  • Graphic/design
  • Conference video
  • Online fundraising
  • Outreach for sponsorship/fundraising
  • Sponsor engagement
  • Media

Finance team:

  • Tracking income and spending
  • Seeking grant funding
  • Setting and managing budget
  • Ticketing
  • Managing financial support, expenses etc.
  • Approving payments
  • Maintaining records of Troublemakers At Work members and delegates from affiliates

The Finance team works closely with the not-for-profit Troublemakers At Work Limited, which was set up to provide access to banking and other services. Our coordinators, Ian Allinson and Kate Edwards, are currently the directors of the company.

Logistics team (for conferences):

  • Venue
  • Accessibility
  • Hybrid logistics
  • Meeting tech
  • Catering
  • Childcare
  • Registration desk
  • Stalls
  • Stewarding