How Do We Invigorate And Democratise Our Unions? Part of the Troublemakers’ AGM
25 January @ 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm GMT
FreeTroublemakers At Work will be having our first AGM. This will start with a public session on How Do We Invigorate And Democratise Our Unions? Speakers to be announced.
This is a virtual event on Zoom.
Please register for this event using the form on this page.
The draft agenda is:
14:00 “How do we invigorate and democratise our unions?” (public session with guest speakers)
- Andrea Egan, left candidate for UNISON General Secretary
- Luke Dukinfield, rep at GIPSIL where Unite recently won a union recognition campaign, and a housing and benefit caseworker
- Speaker from Labor Notes in the USA, a huge network of rank-and-file members, local union leaders, and labor activists “who want to put the movement back in the labor movement”
15:30 BREAK
16:00 AGM business (members and delegates from affiliated organisations only) including:
- Welcome and apologies
- Financial Report from Troublemakers At Work Limited
- Report from the Troublemakers Team
- Discussion about plans and priorities
- Rule change motions
- Other motions
- Election of Troublemakers Coordinators, taking into account nominations from the Team
- Election to decide nominations of 6-9 people to be members of Troublemakers At Work Limited
- Any Other Urgent Business
17:00 CLOSE
If you are a member or a delegate from an affiliated organisation and wish to be a Troublemakers Coordinator or be nominated to be a member of Troublemakers At Work Limited, please complete this candidate form. Note that being a member is not a time-consuming commitment, but it is vital that we have a diverse group of candidates to ensure the integrity of the project.
If you aren’t yet a member of Troublemakers At Work or a delegate from an affiliated organisation, please join us!
AGM deadlines:
- 23 December 2024: motions to change rules
- 25 December 2024: circulation of motions to change rules
- 31 December 2024: other motions
- 4 January 2025: circulation of motions and preliminary agenda
- 16 January 2025: deadline for amendments to motions
- 18 January 2025: final agenda circulated
- 25 January 2025: Annual General Meeting
We have circulated a form for submitting motions.
The Troublemakers Team would welcome more volunteers – please fill in the form if you are interested in joining the Team. After the AGM you will have to be a member or a delegate to be part of the Team.
Please register for this event using the form on this page.